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Turning Mornings Into Gold Morning – #Colgate360GoldMornings

Lazy mornings always, I feel lost even after 7-8 hrs of
sound sleep. Same old monotonous life. Lost and lazy I carve for change every
moment since I wake up. Just hate following the daily routine and feel the
spark is missing from my life.

Few days back, during my rants I complained my darling hubby
that I am feeling stuck in my monotonous life and seriously need some spark and
shimmer in my life. He silently listened to my complaint and smiled.

We wished each other good night and slept.

Next Morning, when I woke up, I look at the clock and got a
shock, when I saw its 10:30 in the morning. OMG, m still sleeping. Crap, what
happened to the alarm clock that was set for 7AM. I quickly turn to my right
and found my hubby is already awake and darling son was sleeping soundly. After
a sweet morning kiss to my baby. I rushed to find where darling hubby is?

And realized he is having a bath. With a feeling that m late
I rushed to kitchen so that I can get breakfast ready asap and found a sticky
note on refrigerator saying, “Baby its your day, get ready, breakfast is
waiting on table.”

Woah! This is unexpected ….

I rushed to bathroom, and here’s another sticky note on the
mirror saying, Good Morning – Time to add some glitter to your monotonous life.

Pic Courtsey : Colgate India
And By the side of mirror, I found the beautiful, gold and
glittery Colgate 360 Charcoal Gold toothbrush. A golden twist is added to my
morning. My hubby took shimmer part from my last night rant quite seriously. I
never thought brushes can be so attractive. And when I used it I realized, not
only its looks but its standards in mouth cleaning is also gold, it cleans
teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums perfectly.

Unlike my old boring white toothbrush, it has gold color
anti-bacterial bristles, perfect smooth grip and tongue cleaner, makes sure
that our whole mouth is cleaned. The brush have 17 times slimmer and softer tip
bristles when compared to ordinary flat-trimmed toothbrush for effective
cleaning and charcoal bristles which helps as a cleansing agent, cleans teeth,
fight germs, remove stains and whitens our teeth.

O My, It’s so damn perfect that I felt fresh and rejuvenated
and definitely loved. It’s like giving glow to my mouth and teeth with golden
charm in my hand.

First glance of my darling son always make my morning good but
Colgate 360 Charcoal Gold toothbrush turned my morning into gold morning, Pampering by hubby was icing on the cake.

It’s all about me, my Colgate 360 Charcoal Gold toothbrush and
my #Colgate360GoldMornings.

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