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Book Review : The Choice

The Choice
Author : Nicholas Spark
Subject : Romance
Genre : Novel
Publisher : Grand Central Publishing

Book Cover : Beautifully designed cover surely depicts true love. A romantic pose on cover gives the romantic feel and truly reflects essence of author’s writing.

Book’s Epigram & My Critique :

It will not be exaggeration to say that Nicholas Spark is a
master in love writing. The whole story is written so well that it carries you
with the flow. The writer takes you with his visualization and you imagine the
story as you move on with the reading. The way writer has described the
vacation and other scenes makes you feel like you are present there.

The story starts with fighting between two neighbors and
take dramatic turn when they finally fell in love. There are so many twist and
turn in between that keeps you awake with curiosity that what will happen next.
Especially the efforts made by the main character, Travis Parker, who made so
many efforts to impress the lead female character Gabby. From inviting her to
the vacation to helping her riding the motor cycle, all are weaved so well with
the story. It’s really good to read how Travis impressed the Gabby.

A new twist starts in
the second part of the book when Gabby went in coma after an accident. The
caring and love shown by Travis at that time is very appraising. The writer had
shown a conflict of human mind on those emotional situations very well, where
finally love wins.

Nicholas has proved again that he is a master of love genre.
However a couple of things are bit odd, like Gabby’s writing in advance and
given to Travis that he can decide of letting her die if something gone wrong
to her life. It looks like writer’s thinking is imposed on Gabby and she is
aware that what is going to be next in her life, which is quite indigestive. If
we ignore such incidents then overall the book if fine and binds you with its
writing till the end.

Rating : 4.5/5

Best Buy : Amazon : Rs. 236/-
Flipkart :  Rs. 291/-

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