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Tech Guide – 5 Cool Command Prompt tricks

Command prompt has always had its charm, especially to a core IT person. Running different command or writing batch files have been a cream work in IT till some certain time period. Now we have multiple tools available to get the work done. PowerShell has also been introduced with its power pack performance. However, command prompt is still there and as useful for small to big tasks as it was earlier. So here are selected 5 tips for command prompt lovers which you might have not used before.

Changing the Command Prompt –

You can change the prompt anytime as per your choice while working. You will keep on navigating to different path as per your need staying on your same favorite prompt. You need to type the following command for the same. You can check anytime your current directory where you are working. Have a look below –

Prompt <Name of your choice> (for > sign you need to mention $g after the name)

Changing the title bar –

You can change the title bar at any time using the following commands –

Title <name your favorite title>

Changing the Text color –

You might have never think of this option. If this is the case then the time has come when you can change the color of text displayed on the screen. You can easily check all the available colors and   pick your favorite, using the following command

Help color

For changing the color select your favorite number as mentioned in the below command –

Color 6

Showing and hiding folders –

You can hide folders using the command line and these will not be visible anymore to anyone.  Similarly you can unhide them whenever you want. You can use this command to protect your secret/ important data from other users. You need to place your data to one location. You can use this command any path, where you want to hide the data. However it is advisable to consolidate all data into one place to avoid any confusion later. After this you navigate the path where your folder is located and use the following command.

c:\> attrib +h +s +r <folder name>

In above case we are assuming that your folder is located in the c:\ drive. In case of different path use cd command to navigate the location.

C:\> attrib -h -s -r <folder name>

Above command would be used to unhide the folder and its content.

Converting your system into a Wi-Fi hotspot –

You can use your system as a Wi-Fi hotspot to leverage network or connect via other devices. To accomplishing the same you need to use the following commands from your system. Please make a note that you need to open the command prompt as an administrator else you will get an error message.

Type the following command

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Hotspot.Name Key=Password

Once you have allowed your system to be a hotspot, you can then start or stop it anytime using the following commands –

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

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