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Book Review: The Girl In Room No. 105 By Chetan Bhagat

Book Review – The Girl In Room No. 105

Author: Chetan Bhagat
Genre: Mystery/Fiction
Publisher: Westland

Book Blurb – Hi, I’m Keshav, and my life is screwed. I hate my job and my girlfriend left me. Ah, the beautiful Zara. Zara is from Kashmir. She is a Muslim. And did I tell you my family is a bit, well, traditional? Anyway, leave that.

Zara and I broke up four years ago. She moved on in life. I didn’t. I drank every night to forget her. I called, messaged, and stalked her on social media. She just ignored me.

However, that night, on the eve of her birthday, Zara messaged me. She called me over, like old times, to her hostel room 105. I shouldn’t have gone, but I did… and my life changed forever.

This is not a love story. It is an unlove story.

About the Book – This book is written by the renowned author ‘Chetan Bhagat’. This book starts with a love story and ends with its unlove. The story is about a girl named ‘Zara’ who was found dead in her hostel room no 105. She messaged her ex-boyfriend ‘Keshav’ on that night though she was engaged and going to be married soon. It was her birthday, so her ex left his house with his friend to her hostel to wish her and soon realized that she was killed, and he was trapped in this. It was a sudden situation that confuses him. But finally, he stays there and informs the police and her parents about it. Lots of drama happened thereafter. The gatekeeper of the hostel was arrested as a suspect. But Keshav had a doubt and he starts investigating it. During his investigation, he took many people in confidence and visited many places. His roommate who is his fast friend too helps him in all these developments. How he reaches to assassin against all the odds is the rest of the story. The story keeps moving back and forth with the situation. The storyline is good and doesn’t let you bore.

My Critique – The story is decent. Scenes are well written and composed in multiple small chapters. The pace of the story is good. However, the investigation is not that promising. The odd side of the investigation is that Keshav and Saurabh, first tell the reality to every person they meet, and then other person helps them without any cross-question. They could enquire like a detective who acts smart, but they were always straight forward to the people they met. The last part is good. Introducing the writer as a passenger with Keshav was not required at all. The story could be narrated without this drama, it was not connected either. Twists and turns are good in the story which keeps the story moving and persuades the reader. Looking at the author’s reputation I found this story average which could be better for sure.

Rating : 3/5

Best Buy: Amazon – Paperback at Rs.112/-

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  1. I have not read any book from Chetan Bhagat in a long time. Liked your honest review giving specifics on what you liked and what not.

  2. this looks to be a decent one time read foray of Chetan Bhagat exploring to write a thriller/suspense fiction. Thanks for honest review of book.

  3. I will check out this book by Chetan Bhagat.

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