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Book Review – Then The Doorbell Rang By Capri Jalota

Book Review – Then The Doorbell Rang

Author : Capri Jalota
Genre : Fiction
Publisher : Leadstart Publishing Private Limited

Book Blurb – One fine morning, Jane wakes up and stands upon the ledge of her 18th floor flat in Dubai Marina. Till a few years back, she was everything that would make anyone jealous – beautiful, rich and successful. But then the wheels of time turned. Today, she is miserable and lonely. Would she get over a deception? Can she forgive herself for deserting a friend? Would she ever find true love? Will karma get the better of her or will life give her another chance to correct the wrongs?
Then the Doorbell Rang is about Jane’s roller-coaster journey as she explores the mystical phenomenon called Life.

Book’s Epigram – This book is a very good example of fiction where the author has weaved the story of a lady and different phases of her life which she has gone through. Author is a very keen observer, he has presented different scenes so minutely that it impresses the reader while reading. Every incident is precisely given the space as required which develops the interest of continue reading. Story line is full of ups and down which keeps you excited and concerned till the end. Few scenes are created very dramatic. You flow with the book and started sharing joy and sorrow with the characters, which is the actual beauty of the book.

My Critique – The story is about a girl ‘Jane’ who has firm believe that her birthday had always bought her sorrow. The important things of her life left her on that day or even worse. She is always frightened when this date comes. Her mother also left her on this special day leaving a letter behind. The way she used to live before and later changes her approach toward life after a few incidents is all about the book. Many ups and downs come during the way. She run away quite a time being scared which later she turns to her favor. The writing is really very strong. The author has very keen sense of the locations, emotions, places and relations, which is depicted very well throughout the book. I have read many fictions before but undoubtedly this one is among one of my favorites.

Rating : 4/5

Best Buy: Amazon – Paperback at Rs.289/-

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