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Share The Load

I Remember,
Mom Waking Up Before Sunrise,
Working Till Midnight,
She Is Always On Her Toes,
Mom I Take A Bow.
Every Work Is Done By Her,
Cooking, Cleaning and Laundry,
Was Her Duty,
She Never Had Excuse To Stop,
No Helping Hand On The Top.
I Still Remember,
Dad Calling Her For The Minute Help,
For Everything Big Bro Yell,
She Ensure She Fulfills Everyone Demand,
Me Being Youngest Was Over Pampered,
So I Took The Top Place At Command Centre.
Sad But True,
She Managed Everything Alone,
Never Complained Though,
When I Think Now,
I Feel I Failed As A Child,
She Served Always,
And I Never #ShareTheLoad
Life Is A Vicious Circle,
Everything Reoccur,
Earlier It Was Mom,
Now It’s Me,
Everything Else Remains The Same,
As My Partners Mom,
Treated Him The Same.
Just Like My Bro,
He Was Brought Up With,
Preconceived Opinions,
And Grew Up With A Thinking,
Household Was Only,
Women’s Work Notion.
Pic Courtesy : Blogadda.com
Ohh Come On,
Its Time To Change The Notion,
Stop Passing Wrong Prejudice,
Household Is No Women’s Responsibility,
Tell Gen-Next To Share It Equally.
Being A Mother,
I Want Equality In Son And Daughter,
Wanna Teach My Son To Be Independent,
Wanna Make Him Grow As A Helping Hand.
But How?
Its Time To Correct Ourselves,
Before Forwarding It Further,
Because We Can’t Lead Without,
A Positive Example.
Every Child Follows Parents Footsteps,
This Is The Fact We Can’t Neglect,
So We Have A Huge Responsibility,
To Revive Our Integrity.
What We Missed Before,
We Have To Do Now,
It’s Your Turn,
#ShareTheLoad Somehow.
Let’s Start,
Share The Easiest Load,
Instead Of Filling Laundry Bag,
Load The Laundry In Machine.
Come Out Of The World Of Prejudice,
Think About The Load In Women’s Life,
She Never Complaints About It,
And You Never Wanna Understand Her Difficulty.
Its Time To ShareTheLoad,
To Make Her Feel Better,
To Stop Passing The Preconceived Notion.
To Teach Gen-Next About Gender Equality,
To Give Their Life A New Meaning In Totality.
Get Ready Guys,
Next Time,
When Your Mom Or Wife,
Sister Aur Daughter,
Collects The Laundry,
Make Them Sit,
Tell Them To Relax,
And You Take Over The task.
And See The Magic,
#ShareTheLoad Gesture By You,
Will Create Magic All Around,
A Precious Smile On Her Face Is Your Reward,
Being A Role Model To Your Child Will Make You Proud.
So It’s Time To,
Be An Example,
Direct Them To Brighter Way,
Teach Them What You Realise,
Gender Equality Is Right.
Its The Right Time,
To Break The Stereotype,
Come Out Of The Prejudice,
Correct The Mistakes You Made Always,
To Ensure Gen-Next Won’t Repeat Them,
Its Time To #ShareTheLoad,
Coz It’s The Lesson To Be Learnt By Gen-Next,
ShareTheLoad To Teach Them Sharing,
ShareTheLoad To Teach Them Equality,
ShareTheLoad To Make Them Realise What Right And What’s
ShareTheLoad To Make Their Foundation Strong,
ShareTheLoad To Break Old Notion,
ShareTheLoad To Recreate The Nation.

I am joining the Ariel #ShareTheLoad campaign at BlogAdda and blogging about the prejudice related to household chores being passed on to the next generation.

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