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Let’s Renew Our Wedding Vows With A Twist

To My Man, 

Four Years Back, (OMG, Time Flies)
On Our D Day,
You Came Riding A Chariot And Woo Me Away.

You Got,
Special Corner In My Heart,
Special Bond That Never Part,
We Share Every Emotion,
You Claimed The Best Designation. (Gosh, I am among those who say my hubby is the best)

Seven Phera’s,
Seven Vows,
Promises To Be Kept,
Expectations We Met.

But I Feel,
Following Others Is Boring,
So, Darling Hubby Lets Step Ahead,
Instead Of Following Lets Make Trend.

Renew Our Wedding Vows
Much Needed Twist. (Tadka In Life Is As Important as Tadka In Daal)

Lets Make Seven New Promises,
Redefining Vows In New Way,
Lets Decide What We Want,
I Know You Will Take Time,
So Here’s Mine.

In First Phera,
We Prayed To God,
To Walk Together,
For Plenty Of Nourishing And Pure Food.
Dear Hubby,
I Just Wanna Add,
Promise Me On Weekends Atleast,
You Cook & I Cherish,
Bed Tea IS My Demand,
Eating Out Or You Cook,
Is Your Call.

In Second Phera,
We Prayed To God,
For Healthy And Prosperous Life.
Dear Hubby,
I Just Wanna Add,
Coz I Take Care Of Your Health,
And Make Sure You Succeed In Life,
Kindly Take Care Of My Prosperity,
Buying Expensive Gifts For Wife Is The Biggest Charity.
Let Me Find Surprise Gifts Every Now And Then,
For All Your Happiness And Fame.

In Third Phera,
We Prayed To God,
To Walk Together,
Share The Happiness And Pain Together,
To Get Wealth,
Dear Hubby,
I Just Wanna Add,
There Is A Saying For You To,
Remember Always,
Behind Every Successful Man There Is A Women,
All Your Wealth Is Coz Of Me,
So Never Frown At My Unending Shopping Spree.

In Fourth Phera,
We Prayed To God,
For Love And Respect,
Dear Hubby,
I Just Wanna Add,
However Busy You Are,
Don’t You Dare To Forget Me,

Keep Showing Your Love,
A Sudden Call Or Message Will Work.
Spend As Much Time You With Me,
Lets Have Unending Weekend Out Spree.

In Fifth Phera,
We Prayed To God,
For Lovely Family Ahead,
Dear Hubby,
I Just Wanna Add,
Be Ready To Share All The Burden,
And Bear My Mood Swings,
Pee, Poop & Sleepless Nights,
Belongs To We Not Just Me.

In Sixth Phera,
We Prayed To God,
For Peaceful Long Life Together,
Dear Hubby,
I Just Wanna Add,
Lets Let Each Other Live With Peace,
Don’t Much Bother,
Keep Fulfilling My Demands,
Following My Commands,
Then Life Will Be Fun,
For Life Long Run.

In Final Seventh Phera,
We Prayed To God,
For Companionship, Togetherness, Loyalty And Understanding,
Dear Hubby,
I Just Wanna Add,
With All Love And Affection In Heart,
Promise To Be Friends Forever,
We Will Keep Arguing,
To Understand Each Other Better,
We Will Fight Or Disagree,
But Promise Me,
You Will Not Leave My Hand,
In Life Long Journey.

Love You Forever J

I’m blogging about the kasams I want from my man this Women’s Day with the #SadaSexy activity at BlogAdda in association with Set Wet.

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  1. Willingly committed …. 😉 Your poor hubby

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