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The Best way to soothe the baby with colic: Mother Sparsh Hing Tummy Roll On For Colic Relief

Nothing hurts a mother more than seeing her child crying for no reason at all. If a child sleeps after being fed with great ease and peacefully it is bliss. However, when my little one refused to sleep as she suffered from colic, it gave me sleepless nights. To hear him crying all the time for no particular reason made me cry and my husband was in a dilemma as to how can he comfort the two of us and to whom he should first lend his help. I tried it all from singing, to rocking, swaddling, carrying in arms, swinging, feeding and what not. Nothing worked to calm my child and this made me all the more tensed. It takes a whole village to up bring a child and could not agree more to the fact.

It was only then that my next door neighbor who herself was mother of two discussed with me regarding the colic issue in kids and the way to handle it. She instantly handed me a new bottle of Mother Sparsh Hing Tummy Roll for Colic Relief and Digestion and finally my baby and me actually slept like baby.

The Best way to soothe the baby with colic: Mother Sparsh Hing Tummy Roll On For Colic Relief
Mother Sparsh Hing Tummy Roll On For Comic Relief

After this episode the mother in me became an Investigating Officer and researched all about colic. To my surprise the term is too common and the most common reason to make the kids cry. Colic issue in kids is due to gas in tummy or indigestion in small child and that little child cannot even explain it. Further what I discovered was that formula fed kids and even breast fed kids suffer from it. I was shocked and relieved both at the same time. Shocked because a small child suffering from gas and indigestion was weird but then yes it is a common issue. Further relieved because if there is this problem then there is a solution to this weird problem and it has no side effects.

Mother Sparsh Hing Tummy Roll On For Colic Relief And Digestion is a 100% auyrvedic formula and has to be applied externally thus it can cause no side effects to my baby. Hing is a common commodity that has been used since time immemorial for dealing with gas and indigestion issues. Mother Sparsh has simply packed the goodness of the hing and some other natural oils like saunf oil and other oils in a bottle to make it easy to use. The bottle is easy to carry and is a blessing while travelling. The goodness and effective use of Ayurveda has been accepted by all and thus if you get the goodness of Ayurveda in a bottle for your little one then it is a steal.

The Best way to soothe the baby with colic: Mother Sparsh Hing Tummy Roll On For Colic Relief
Mother Sparsh Hing Tummy Roll On For Comic Relief

Why Mother Sparsh Hing Tummy Roll On?
• Mother Sparsh has combined the goodness of Ayurveda with its own scientific method.
• Simply take the roll on and apply it around the naval area of your baby and see results. It is a herbal product and has no chemicals and therefore safe for your baby’s sensitive skin.
• Helpful in abdominal pain, acid reflux, upset stomach, constipation.
• Easy to use and carry while travelling.

I can now soothe my baby from crying uncontrollably and feel glad to have found this product. I suggest this amazing product to every mom as colic is common in babies. You can get your roll on from Amazon. Click on the link to get the Mother Sparsh Tummy Roll-On or get it from Amazon

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  1. A friend of mine has been complaining a lot that her baby keeps crying for no real at all. I must speak to her about the colic issue and the solution. 😊

  2. This is a wonderful product which will definetly make a mom’s life easier..now no more of helpless feeling when baby cries of colic pain

  3. Tummy roll on is really a great idea for the babies its natural and no chemicals and very handy.

  4. I saw my baby in tummy pain a lot of times and my mom used to apply liquid hing at the naval area. This roll on from mother sparsh is a great product for this relief.

  5. Mother sparsh comes with a excellent product. Tummy roll on is one of them. I personally recommend this product to many of my new mom’s

  6. I really liked the product from a trusted brand. It’s so useful and beneficial for kids.

  7. It would really help me had I known earlier , my baby had colic issues . Such a wonderful product coz it’s all natural

  8. Tummy roll on is the best product from Mother sparsh. Very useful & helpful product. We can even carry it, when traveling with toddler. Kaun hing sab uta ka traveling ma le ka jayaga.

  9. I would like to try this roll on. My baby hates Hing and oil mix on her tummy. She says it is “yuck” at least this roll on will feel like a cream and she would let me apply it.

  10. Noor Anand Chawla

    Colic is a big cause for worry for most new parents. This hing roll-on from Mother Sparsh will surely help them.

  11. Aah it’s so good to see such products now available in the market otherwise when my child was a baby we only used to rub hing water on his navel to ease him from colic.

  12. I really like that it’s Ayurvedic combo of hing and sauf which Definitely makes it save to use for baby colic and Effective results

  13. Honestly saying I so wish this product would had been in the market few years before. I am definitely sharing this link with my friends too, thank you for sharing this amazing bit

  14. Colic is one of the common problem for babies and infant. Thank God Mother Sparsh has come up with such wonderful product for that

  15. This looks like such a handy remedy that all moms must keep at home. Hing has so many benefits and glad that Mother Sparsh is making the most of it for kids colic.

  16. This tummy roll on is great relief for mommies and their kids. I am recommending to my mommy friend.

  17. Colic pain is really the worst! It’s hard to see babies suffering! This roll on looks really effective and safe, especially since it is Ayurvedic in nature!

  18. Colic issue is really common in new born babies.. Even my new born is also facing the same right now. I am using the Mothersparsh tummy roll on too for him.

  19. Deepa Shri Rajan

    Such a useful information this is. And that’s very true it’s very sad for mom to see her kid crying with colic Pain and then this product comes to rescue like an elixir. What a relief . Will refer this to my friend for her kid

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