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Another Year Of Awesome Motherhood

Last Two Years For Me Was A Disguise,
For Me It Start Twice,
Once When It Starts For All,
And Other When It Starts For My Motherly Love!!
As other’s I always celebrated and given new start to new year on 1Jan with lots of plans for upcoming year. But On 9Oct 2013, the date of new start changed with the birth of My little prince charming.
It was not just you who were born,
You gave birth to a mother in me,
It was not just you who is having a new start,
You changed definition of New Year for Me.


So for me it was another year full of all new colors.  Some are bright and sparkling whereas some are dark and frightening.

Sometimes As Bright As Sun, Sometimes As Dull As Ash –  Is Life
I always have my measures to define my year, how it was.  Earlier it was results or my performance in corporate world, Now it’s Motherhood.
Seeing my baby grow,  tell me what I earned or achieved in Last one year. Good or bad everyday gives us a lesson and surely I learned from life everyday.
The biggest lesson of my life in last year was ‘Don’t Change Yourself No Matter Who Wants You To Change’
I hate recalling bad in life as I hate crying for same thing again and again. Lots of Happy Nodes of last one year starts and ends on my kiddos birthday celebrations.
Another Year Flies Like Handful Of Sand,
It Starts And Ends On The Little Hand,
The  Mother In Me Is Two Year Old,
Motherhood Helped Me To Shine Like Gold,
Happiness Was Moments With My Son,
Motherhood Is The Biggest Blessing Equal To None.
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggersby BlogAdda

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