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A Walk Through Mughal Garden – A Walk To Remember

Mughal Garden is surely a paradise on earth. This place is without
any doubt a national treasure. Am still mesmerized with the beautiful garden.
 Its a beautiful
garden where the view started with the Herbal Garden. Small boards planted
on the ground to identify the different herbs alongside being cultivated. There
are no further proofs required when declarations like “cure for
cancer”, “treats diabetes”, “removes stress” etc are
posted under the names of the plants in English and Hindi. The Tulsi (Basil)
plants get a canopied little green house of white of their own. 
Glimpses Of Herbal Garden 
From the herbal garden, we move to the Bonsai Garden. Well
maintained samples of Peepal, Neem, Banyan, Oranges and more in bonsai form.
And it’s an awesome site to find so many bonsai together. 
Glimpses Of Bonsai Garden
From Bonsai Garden our next destination was musical garden.
Beautiful fountains dancing on patriotic music is just breathtaking. Few
minutes around the beautiful garden make me realize all the sacrifices our
armed forces make for our peaceful survival. And I feel proud to be a Army
man’s daughter. 
Here’s a glimpse of beautiful musical
And finally we reach
Main Mughal Garden. 
The presidential palace,
the royal Rashtrapati Bhavan, looms in the background. But it is the
magnificent garden that takes my breath away. Beautifully manicured, impeccable
arrangement of plants, hedges and trees. Set on the sides of two water
channels with their lotus fountains, it is a marvel of flora domestication. I
was spellbound with the mesmerising beauty. The fountains, the flower
beds, the well rounded trees, the riot of colors! It is awesomely pretty in the
bright afternoon.

From the massive rectangular main garden, we move into the long rose garden.
Mughal garden has more than 250 varieties of roses. 

From the long garden, we reach the circular garden. Bougainvillea and creepers
territory. Easily over fifty different varieties. 

Hats off to Lutyens, the architect and Mustoe, the horticulturist, who
conceived and executed this gem.

I really had a gala time during the walk through admist of beautiful

Cameras  are not allowed but we can use our smartphone to capture some
floral beauty around me.

So here’s few beautiful captured by me from beautiful Mughal Garden.

Panoroma View
Mughal Gardens opens just for one month from mid February to mid March. It’s a walk through a beautiful vicinity where armed guards keep reminding you not to stop.  Entry is free so it’s pretty crowded especially on weekends. 
But it’s a must visit if you love being in arms of mother nature. 
Mesmerised Once Forever 🙂

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