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Fight Uncertainties In Life With “Investshield – Insurance Plan By Choice Life Insurance”

Uncertainty is another name of life, you never know what gonna happen next. In a flick of few seconds, uncertainty touches one’s life, happiness ruins, dreams shatter and sometimes it becomes difficult to think What’s Next.
God bless everyone, and I wish such adverse situations never comes in anyone’s life.
If something happen, are you ready for it?
Are you ready to save your loved ones dreams?
Are you ready to protect your loved ones in adverse situations?
Are you ready to fight uncertainties?
In short,
Are you insured?
Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance (CHOICE Life Insurance) has come up with an amazing plan called iNVESTSHIELD PLAN that helps you fight uncertainties in life.
Pic Courtesy : www.canarahsbclife.com
Strong and very meaningful tagline of iNVESTSHIELD PLAN says Strengthens The Warrior In You. Fight The Uncertainties In Life.
Pic Courtesy : www.canarahsbclife.com
iNVESTSHIELD plan is one plan that gives you opportunity to choose a plan according to your need at the inception stage, from three available options Life Option, Life Option With Accidental Benefit and Life Option With Premium Funding Benefit
Pic Courtesy : www.canarahsbclife.com
iNVESTSHIELD Plan is a unit linked non-participatory investment cum insurance plan which provides the opportunity to create wealth to fulfill various family needs like building a asset or to ensure for a bright future for your child.
Why to Buy iNVESTSHIELD Plan :
There are many benefits related to this life insurance plan.
  1. It give you flexibility to choose plan according to your choice.
  2. There’s no premium allocation charge.
  3. Boost in your investments with loyalty additions.
  4. Partial Withdrawal is allowed.
  5. In last four years of policy, you can move your fund to low risk market using safety switch.
  6. Get tax benefits with security.
If you are the one who have dreams for himself or their family members.
If you are the one who cares about your family’s need.
If you are the one who want to cope positively with life’s adverse situations.
Then iNVESTSHIELD is the plan for you which helps you to plan life better.
How To Buy :
Easily buy it online at CanaraHSBCLife 
The entire procedure is online and completely hassle-free. A four step procedure involving policy selection(selecting plan and deciding premium) , completing the proposal, making the payment and finally documents submission.
Right Now Is Always The Right Time.
Choose CHOICE Life Insurance..
Get Insured..
Get Assured.. 

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