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Let Delhi-NCR breathe #CelebratingSuper

Cozy winters arrived and those extra mintues in blanket are precious. My mornings always start with checking the temperature and the other day I was shocked when I saw weather forcast application saying 18degree temperature and “Smoke”.

The pollution levels has made environment super sick and even after the ban by Govt., firecrackers on diwali worsened the condition as always.

Safe environment is our responsibility, no-one alone can do anything for its betterment.

In the chaos of our day to day life we never realised when ‘Fog’ turned ‘Smog’, When Yamuna water turned unhygenic and when Hindon water turned poison.

We keep moving our success spree and we never realised how we are deteriorating the environment we are living in.

We keep complaining but never joined hands in a step towards solving the issue.

Mr.X in my society says, damn its so much garbage on road and still carries his house daily garbage and throw it on the same garbage filled area.

I reminded him, you always add on to that garbage, take an initiative put your garbage in garbage bin.

Mr. Y says, its so impossible to travel from one place to another, Delhi Traffic is hopeless and creates so much of pollution but still both members of family leaves for their respective offices following same route in different cars.

I told him smilingly, your and your wife is just 5 minutes apart why don’t you let her drop and pick you up.

Mr. Z says, the air pollution is at peak and burst firecrackers for 4hrs in a stretch on diwali eve.

And next morning I told him, congratulations you succeeded in increasing pollution even more.

Controlling pollution, saving environment is not a task to be managed by single person or a small group or govt. it’s a task to be done by all together joining hands.

While Delhi started falling ill because of pollution, many small initiatives come forward to help Delhi recover.

Car-pooling and Cab-sharing is being promoted and Govt. increased public transports frequency as well as metro connectivity is extended, so that less vehicles come on road.

Swacch Bharat Abhiyan is helping us maintaining the garbage in our locality and making clean Delhi possible. The cleanliness in Delhi-NCR increased to big extent after this initiative launched by Govt.

Ban On Burning Wastes also helped in decreasing the pollution level.

State governments of Delhi, Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh are directed to immediately ban the burning of crop residue.

Amidst of all the efforts by Govt. to save environment, Vodafone comes forward to start the spree of making Delhi NCR more breathable by creating Air-purifying bus shelters and let us breathe non-polluted air while waiting for buses.

With 1.2crores big family in Delhi NCR (am proud to be one among them), Vodafone celebrated diwali in entirely new way with their special super crackers and let the cracking happened in pots and bloom into plants. Yes, super crackers are eco friendly plant seeds that grow into beautiful plants.

While in its unending spree of making Delhi-NCR live-worthy, Vodafone even surprised everyone with free WiFi connectivity in Delhi. Vodafone is digitally connecting Delhi & NCR with more than 120 Free Wi-Fi Zones across Delhi & NCR such as DLF Mall of India, Fortis Hospital, Delhi Haat, Khan Market, Airport, etc. Vodafone created the first WiFi bus shelter in Gurgaon to take another step towards digitizing Delhi & NCR.

Vodafone has come forward and showing immense effort to stand their #CelebratingSuper motto true to its name and doing every bit of it with all intensity to make Delhi a beautiful place to live in. Let us pledge for the same, and let Delhi stand again touching the zenith of beautiful environment again and where the crown of glory it owns again with pride.

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One comment

  1. Wow really nice

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