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That One Selfie – #Mobiistar

Motherhood Knocked My Way,

That One Selfie, Have Millions Of Emotion to Say,

I Captured The Moment Very Precise,

Its Me And My Just Cleaned Son By My Side.

A Picture, That Roles Down Tears Of Happiness from Memory Lane,

A Picture, That Reminds Of The Most Beautiful Pain,

A Picture, Thats Have All Blood And Screams Behind,

A Picture, That Fills Immense Happiness In My Heart And Mind.

Yes, I Captured My Perfect Selfie,

After 9Months Of Waiting, And 16 Hours Of Pain,

With He In My Arms And I Becoming His Dame.

My Oh-So-Perfect Moment Was Captured Accordingly,

Its Mom-Son-Duo’s Most Memorable Selfie😍

But My Perfect Selfie Was Not That Perfect,

Because 4year back Perfect Selfie Camera Doesn’t Exist.

That Spark In His Eyes Can Still Be Seen,

But It Wasnt A Perfect Scene.

Something Is Missing, Something Was Wrong,

Even Though The Moment Captured Was So Strong.

All I Lacked Was A Perfect Mobile For Perfect Selfie Experience,

I Wish This Statement, Back Than, Made Any Sense.

Selfies Are Just Not Pictures, Its An Art,

For The Perfect Selfie We Must Own A Phone Thats Smart.

#Mobiistar Is All Set To Make Our Selfie Canvas Wide,

A 120° Wide-Angle Shoot Will Always Go Right.

And The Dual Selfie Camera, Make The Selfie Game Strong And Bright.

Its Time To Upgrade Your Selfie Experience,

With Mobiistar Selfie Camera Perfect Performance,

Now At Every Party Take A Wider Selfie,

Create Memories With Not A Few But With Many,

Share A Frame With Your Dudes And Dames,

Click A Wider Selfie Which Bring Social Media Fame😉

Not Just The Perfect Selfie Cam,

Long Battery Life Will Keep You Loaded In Your Selfie Game,

Snapdragon Processor Will Allow You Multitask,

Click A Selfie And Flaunt On Social Media At The Same  Hour.

Mobiistar Coming Your Way Pretty Soon,

For More Information Stay Tuned😉😎

(On http://mobiistar.in/ and Mobiistar on Flipkart)

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  1. No bond is as special as mother & child. It’s so so adorable picture

  2. Wonderful expression captured through the rhythm of the poem. I loved ur post. Keep writing.

  3. True poem about bonding with son i just loved it, awesome way to describe selfie

  4. Love what u have written . The most beautiful bond indeed ❤️

  5. Amazing and beautiful post. Beautifully expressed thoughts. Great read.

  6. The most adorable selfie. Ministar is coming up with some great features.

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