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Explore New Dimensions Of Learning With Xplorabox

Being a mommy is not easy, You need to worry about everything when your baby is concerned. And the biggest worry or tension that every mom have is how to keep the little one busy and make playtime fun, enjoyable and full of learnings for them. Activity boxes are indeed a fun way to keep kiddos busy and make them learn new things while playing.

With holidays going on my anxiety to keep him busy keep increasing. Here Xplorabox comes to rescue. Xplorabox is an interesting monthly Subscription box. It indeed an engaging box for the littles. Learning through activities is the best way to learn unique and new concepts. Xplorabox is an age-appropriate box for kids and has 4-5 activities according to age with conceptual learning and it indeed makes learning fun.

My son got a box named LITTLE SPACE TRAVELLER with amazing concepts of space and fun ways to learn. My 5year little dude is in love with concepts about space and that’s why he got very excited about opening and playing with the box and enjoy the activities. So without a delay, his holidays started with exploring new dimensions of space in a fun way. Our Little Space Traveller box comes with 5 fun activities that work on different skills of your kids and some amazing concepts about space.

Monster Mania game: we played this one Matching games that that keep my child brimming with fun while simultaneously improving his observation and critical thinking skill. Monster Mania game works on cognitive skills, Motor skills, and play & social skills. This game increased problem-solving skills and improved his power to analyze.

My UFO: this one was indeed an amazing activity and capture the memory forever in a beautiful setup. By following some easy steps we made a UFO and some aliens that collectively work on his creative skills and enhance the fine motor and social skills.

My Beautiful Earth: My son loves this activity while he made his own beautiful Earth and stick the continents around it. And with the sun enjoy playing with the concept of day and night. This activity enhanced his creative and exploring skills and indeed work on is academic skills. He learns a few new things about earth continents and the amazing concept of day and night.

Create You Telescope: This was our favorite activity in this box. Having his own telescope was pretty exciting for him. With easy assembling, he himself assemble his toy telescope and explore the Sky with it. Again this box works perfectly on academic problem-solving, analytic and Fine Motor skills.

Lets Explore Space: This interesting activity taught him about various constituents of space and enhance his academic skill in a comprehensive way.

And I was pretty surprised to know that my little kiddo knows a lot about the beautiful space.
Every activity in Xplorabox is meant to work on motor skills of kids and it surely encourages their creativity, imagination, and power to logic and reason. The box activities are extremely engaging and fun way to learn.

Xplorabox make kids
💡Learn things while playing.
💡theme based box clear his/her concept in a single topic in detail.
💡Encourages physical, mental as well as cognitive development.
💡learning our fine and gross motor skills.

Cost of a box is 1099/- {website}

So, get activity boxes for your kiddos and let them have some fun time while learning and learn while having fun.

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  1. This looks like an interesting box of activities for kids. I would like to give it a try!

  2. I think this box is a great gifting option. There is so much for the kids to explore and educate. Recommending it to my nephews. My baby is yet to come of an understanding age so will wait for our to explore this box. ♥️

  3. I like the colorful box with lots of interesting things to work on. It is indeed a great idea to engage children in creative learning

  4. learning with fun, my daughter also has xplorabox and its truly amazing box, keep kids engaged in educational activity

  5. wow its quite interesting… the activities are really well designed, loved it. Price is good, will subscribe to them for sure

  6. Of all the educational kit boxes I have got for my son till now, xplorabox is the best..have taken subscription for him

  7. I am finding this activity box to be interesting, would love to try this for my kids , may I know till what age of the kids we can use this activity box

  8. Xplora Box is a real fun, my son used it around a year back and he just loved the various kits he had in this box. Perfect to raise creativity in kids.

  9. I have hands on experience with Xplora Box in the past, the activities in the kits are quite good, well planned and helps in engaging them.

  10. This box sounds so good. Also love that there is a kind of theme going on with this month’s learning/fun activities in xplora box. I would love to try for my son.

  11. The box looks perfect to boost imagination and creativity in the kids. I would love to get one for my child too. Thanks for sharing xx

  12. This is really a great theme, for easy learning. I so swear by activity boxes, they are fun, and so helpful in teaching young minds creatively. thanks for sharing it.

  13. Awwwwww that earth and sun is sooo cute! 😍 Is it weird if adults like me play with these???! 😂😂😂 On a serious note, this is a really good box for kids!

  14. Xplora box looks like good learning and creative activitiy. And your son is so smart to enjoy this activity along with learning

  15. So glad this game is helping kids grow. So important. Sharing with my friends who have kids.

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