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“Is laundry only a Woman’s job” Nay, never – #ShareTheLoad – Ariel’s Initiative

A thought provoking question from Ariel, “ is laundry only a woman’s job?
In all walks of life, the concept of women empowerment is haunting the Indian society. during the Early Vedic, women enjoyed equal status in the society or let’s say, even more, things started to change in the later Vedic period where there was a downfall in the status of the women and they were limited only till the four walls of the house.

The mindset continued till data and in spite of what post is a woman holding in her office, she is still expected to take care of the entire home. She may be fighting the enemies on the border or flying in a rocket or leading an MNC but then the society makes it a compulsion that she needs to manage the home with equal dedication. There could be house helps for the work but ensuring that the work is done properly and on time it is the women of the house who need to intervene.

No matter what efforts are being made by the government in power to the opposition trying to get power, to bring gender equality and empower the women there is a still long way to go. The campaign by Ariel #share the load has brought this question in the forefront. Women have successfully entered the domains and fields managed by the men but still, the men need to make an extra effort and walk another mile to break the glass and participate in the household chores, even in doing the laundry.

The brand Ariel from the P&G took the initiative and created awareness around the need for men to share the laundry. As per a survey was done on households, it was concluded that almost 76% of men considered that laundry is a women’s job. Even 80% of the women felt that in a home there is gender inequality and the men do not participate in the household chores in spite of women being financially employed. Rather in certain cases, the ladies clearly stated that they have two jobs to maintain one being the office chore and the second at home. As per surveys, the men relax at home once they are back from the office but the women folk is again back to work when at home, that is in the morning before leaving for work and in the evening after returning from work. Interestingly almost 80% of men are totally dependent on women for their laundry needs

Women are applauding the thought as the society expects them to be the superwomen without cape who works 24 hours, but then this is costing them their health. Our mothers had managed all the chores but then the times have changed and with the changing times we all need to change our outlook. Women have stepped out of the home to earn and get an identity for themselves, now it’s the turn of men to break the glass and participate in the household chores and prove that the foundation of gender-equal society has been laid.

Recently, I Received this wonderful hamper by Ariel as an invite to join in for #ShareTheLoad initiative and it couldn’t have been more apt to take one more step and teach my little one more about gender. There is an item for everyone in this #HamperOfEquality and we all are loving it.
Laundry was never this fun for everyone all.

I, My Hubby and My Son are happily sharing the load, and taking a step towards the change the society needs and that’s what the “Share The Load” initiative by “Ariel” is all about. Now household tasks are not just my responsibility at my home. So, here we took a step towards gender equality, Are you joining in too?

Here’s how my son ShareTheLoad with me

“This post is a part of the #ShareTheLoad movement by Ariel in association with BlogAdda

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