An Initiative Giving Life A New Way,
#ShareTheLoad Is A Big Step I Must Say
Household Chores Are Not Only Women’s Task,
Can I Help You? Who Will Ask?
She Is On Toes 24×7,
She Is Your Life’s Maven,
Even She Deserve A Sunday,
Son’s Lets Convert Sunday to SON-Day.
Lend A Helping Hand,
Make Her Sit Instead Of Stand,
Give Her Rest That She Deserve,
Lets Keep One Day For Her Pampering Reserve.
Make Her Feel Loved,
And Show Her, You Are There To Join Hand,
Its A Matter Of Just One Day,
Show Her You Care And Make Her Feel Special In Every Possible Way.
Lets Take The Challenges To See Your Capabilities,
Trust Me You Will Be Shocked When You See Your Abilities.
Thanks Ariel And Blogadda For The Amazing Initiative,
Teaching Sharing The Load Cant Be More Creative.
It was Sunday and I had a pile of clothes to fold, When we decided to teach our little one another way to #ShareTheLoad.
And before we can say something, the little hands extend, And without a delay things started to bend.
He grabbed all his clothes and took a leap, mommy let me fold my clothes, he speak..
Little did I knew is my little love grew, And I realized 5 years just flew.
I never knew that being a part of #ShareTheLoad initiative will help me make my son learn a few things that I would have never thought of. I always believe in gender equality but I felt my son is pretty young for learning tasks at home but with the amazing initiative by Ariel, I understand, its never too early nor too late.
My 5 years old Nayan,wants to help me in every single thing and I always avoid, thinking he is too small to do all this but the amazing initiative by Ariel, made me realise that my little sonny has grown up and the littles hands are biggest support now.
This sunday while Celebrating ‘SON-Day’ , I wanted my son to help me fix the wardrobe but he is too small to pick up the clothes and put in, so the little task he got was folding his own clothes. So, when I told him that he need to help me with my task, his little eyes twinkled and his happiness is at peak.
He Asked, .ommy what should I do?
Me, Can you help me in folding clothes?
He, Yes and quickly grabbed all his clothes from the pile of washed clothes.
And he was all set to fold his clothes with my instructions. (He is a great listener and follow instructions perfectly)
First, he started with Tshirts and folded and bundled them together.
Share The Load
And then he stacked all tshirts and moved to shorts n pants. He was enjoying the moment and was happily engrossed in the work he is doing.
Share The Load
After finishing the folding task, he was super happy seeing his bundle of clothes.

And we are happy that our little love is learning how to share the load. Mommy in me always feel amazing to celebrate SON-Day, exclusively for me with my son.
‘I pledge to #ShareTheLoad in household chores in association with Ariel and BlogAdda‘
Do Check My Other Post for Sunday Nahi Sunday Series Here:
Task 1 – Laundry
Task 2 – Arrange the Wardrobe
Task 3 – Utensil Cleaning
Task 4 – Folding Game