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Fold It Quick – #ShareTheLoad

An Initiative Giving Life A New Way,
#ShareTheLoad Is A Big Step I Must Say
Household Chores Are Not Only Women’s Task,
Can I Help You? Who Will Ask?

She Is On Toes 24×7,
She Is Your Life’s Maven,
Even She Deserve A Sunday,
Son’s Lets Convert Sunday to SON-Day.

Lend A Helping Hand,
Make Her Sit Instead Of Stand,
Give Her Rest That She Deserve,
Lets Keep One Day For Her Pampering Reserve.

Make Her Feel Loved,
And Show Her, You Are There To Join Hand,
Its A Matter Of Just One Day,
Show Her You Care And Make Her Feel Special In Every Possible Way.

Lets Take The Challenges To See Your Capabilities,
Trust Me You Will Be Shocked When You See Your Abilities.
Thanks Ariel And Blogadda For The Amazing Initiative,
Teaching Sharing The Load Cant Be More Creative.

And the #ShareTheLoad challenge in association with Blogadda and Ariel is coming to an end and I am so excited to see my journey so far.

The last part of the campaign was to see how many clothes my son can fold in 30 seconds and I let him be himself and enjoy the moment as he was super excited to do it.

So, Alexa comes to rescue for setting the timer and letting us know when 30secs are over with an alarm. It was an fun experience and great to see my 5 year old, folding 3 of his shorts in 30secs. To be fair to him, I gave him his small clothes to fold.

He is slow and not that clean but his enthusiasm is worth appreciating. He did his bit at his best. The little man love to help me in every aspect of my work, trust me he even help me when I write post this by saying “Mummy, do write Nayan loves helping mummy”

I never realised my little kiddo is a big boy and a great helping hand, until I participated in this campaign. And he concluded the challenge by saying “Mummy, we will do this challenge again”

The four amazing challenges do make my son more capable of sharing the load, and know his own capabilities better. And now he is more helpful than ever and want to try many new things at home to help me better.

From SON-Day to ShareTheLoad, my little kiddo has transformed to a helping hand, I can rely on and all thanks to Ariel and blogadda for this initiative.

With changing time and developing sense of responsibility, sharing load with the opposite gender is a part of every family. It is believed that kids are quick learners and their learning capabilities increase with visual or practical. With this thought I feel we as a parent should give children right example and atmosphere to learn.

It is not only sharing the load but a way to show that you care and have a sense of responsibilily and belongingness towards your own house.

The initiative by ariel and blogadda surely help me make my son that every work can be done by any gender and he can be helping hand for mommy just like his Tanu didi is to his Laxmi Mausi..

‘I pledge to #ShareTheLoad in household chores in association with Ariel and BlogAdda

Do Check My Other Post for Sunday Nahi Sunday Series Here:

Task 1 – Laundry

Task 2 – Arrange the Wardrobe

Task 3 – Utensil Cleaning

Task 4 – Folding Game

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