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World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD), April 2, 2018

“Ummeed Child Development Center helps Mumbai Light Up Blue for World Autism Awareness Day, 2018″ April 2, 2018 is earmarked by the United Nations as World Autism Awareness Day.  This day is part of a global movement to raise awareness regarding Autism and increase understanding about the importance of early diagnosis …

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Sweat Proof Makeup – Need Of Summers

Our beauty is the charm we carry to create a mesmerizing aura around us. A quick touch of liner, Kohl or mascara provides our eyes a new enhanced look and with gloss or lipstick defines your lips. In short, a little makeup brings out the best in us. But, The …

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Detox To Live A Less Toxic Life

Toxins are everywhere-  at home, in school, at workplace, even on the road and always effect us adversely. Pesticides and chemicals in water, pollutants air, shampoos, soaps, furniture polish etc, everything helps toxins to enter our system. Toxins do effects each one differently but they are present everywhere. Acute or …

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Yummy Recipe By Mummy  : Sarso Ka Saag

Winter is my favorite season. Cozy corners, warm blankets, hot sips and special cuisines. Winters are incomplete without barbecue, kebabs and Sarso Ka Saag. In winters, fresh green leafy vegetables are main attraction in vegetable market. You simply love the sight of them and the taste calls you. Sarso Ka …

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Yummy Recipe By Mummy : Fish Curry

For me 2018 started with family and friends as dear as family. I just love to spent my new year eve on terrace and always treasured the moment of welcoming new year on terrace with the shining stars and bright moon. So we decided, to cook together, eat together and …

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Tech Guide – 5 Cool Command Prompt tricks

Command prompt has always had its charm, especially to a core IT person. Running different command or writing batch files have been a cream work in IT till some certain time period. Now we have multiple tools available to get the work done. PowerShell has also been introduced with its …

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Tech Guide – Know about VPN

When we work in any organization, then sometime we need to travel to different locations for work perspective or work from home in some of the cases. In such cases how to connect with office network from a remote location. Is there any way to connect with office network from …

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Zika Virus – An Emerging Global Threat

Named after the Zika Forest in Uganda, Zika virus was first discovered in 1947. The first human cases of Zika were detected in the year 1952, since then, outbreaks of Zika have been reported in tropical Africa, Pacific Islands and Southeast Asia. Zika virus in India was first found in …

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