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Keep Calm!!!

Read Previous Chapter Here… *Next morning* Neha is an early riser, she always wakeu at 5 in the morning and follow her routine. Eversince Nikhil knows her, She never missed her morning routine even if she wasn’t well. But it’s not the same today. Nikhil wakeup around 11 and find …

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Melvin Brewing – Beer and more

Beer is one of the oldest and most widely consumed alcoholic drinks in the world. It is also the third most popular drink overall after water and tea. Beer is brewed from cereal grains—most commonly from malted barley, though wheat, maize (corn), and rice are also used. The basic idea …

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How? An Unanswered Question

Read Previous Chapter Here.. Anu Stop.. Listen to me.. Please.. Let me explain.. Neha kept on shouting but Anu left and never returned. Slowly and gradually, she became a closed chapter in Neha and Nikhil’s life… But this wasn’t over yet… After 3 years of dating and getting settled in …

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Read Previous Chapter Here… The book was making Neha crazy and she was not able to understand whatever happening and she started to recall from where she got it *FLASHBACK 8years Ago* Anu and Neha are besties. Their day starts with each other. Everyone thought they are inseparable. They loved …

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Folded Chapters

Read Previous Chapter Here She searched for her new book all over again and it doesn’t looked the same, she realized that her book looked thicker than before and then she noticed that few pages are folded and she felt very uncomfortable holding the book, she knew she has OCD …

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Exhausted, Are You?

Read Previous Chapter Here Nikhil helped Neha in getting up from the floor, made her comfortable on her favorite sofa seat and went to kitchen to get her hot cup of her favorite coffee to calm her down and asked “Are you exhausted” and Neha remained silent. Random thoughts were …

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Read Previous Chapter Here… With the last nights scenario still in her mind and her helplessness of not being able to find Nikhil, she was shocked when she heard the doorbell suddenly.And before she can react, she heard a voice , Neha, open the door, it’s me Nikhil.. Nikhil?? She …

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Cries, Worries And Searches

Read Previous Chapters Here She was perturbed realising her husband is missing. With no signs of man of her life, she was clueless what to do n next. With tears rolling down She gathered all the courage and started to find her husband. She walked towards the main door and …

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