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Folded Chapters

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She searched for her new book all over again and it doesn’t looked the same, she realized that her book looked thicker than before and then she noticed that few pages are folded and she felt very uncomfortable holding the book, she knew she has OCD for crisp new books and she never write anything on book or fold the pages.

Neha- Nikhil, Nikhil where are you?
NiKhil- Hey Neha, am in the study, What happened?
Neha- Have you seen my book I got recently, am not able to find it anywhere .
Nikhil- Hey, Are you talking about this book? ( shows the book with a smile)
Neha- Yes, What are you doing with my book?
Nikhil- I was not able to sleep so I took it to read, well I love your book choices Neha, I read almost 200 pages in one go .
Neha- Can you please give me the book
Nikhil handed over her the book and she shouted with anger, Why you fold the page?
Nikhil – Just to bookmark.
Neha shout badly on him just because he folded the page and all Nikhil could say was a sorry.

Neha knows that she herself or Nikhil will never fold pages and she is not able to digest whatever going on, in her life.
She gather all the strength and decided to give all this an end by reading folded chapters in the book because she knew all the questions in her mind will be answered in the book.

And She started reading the book “ She wake up and her husband is missing” Neha just read one line an she was out in cold sweat. This book is nothing but my life at present. Neha quickly closed the book and all of a sudden she noticed the subtitle of the book “Your life, My way”

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  1. Interesting. Waiting for the next one

  2. This is really interesting… glued

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