Toxins are everywhere- at home, in school, at workplace, even on the road and always effect us adversely. Pesticides and chemicals in water, pollutants air, shampoos, soaps, furniture polish etc, everything helps toxins to enter our system. Toxins do effects each one differently but they are present everywhere. Acute or chronic effects depends on the circumstances, doses and length of exposure. Detox really help to reduce the effects of toxins in our body.
For example, Person who eats sensibly and live a healthy life get less affected by toxins in comparison to a person eats poorly, leads a highly-stressed life, suffers from toxic overload. This means we can have little control over our problems, if we eliminate foods (like sugar, wheat flour and junk food) that contribute to toxicity, and eat those that cleanse the body, our health will improve.
There are various methods to detoxify one’s body. Good yet Proportionate consumption of herbs, vitamins, minerals and vegetable juices helps. Juices That Helps: Vegetable juices improve the nutrient density in your diet without adding too many calories. Raw vegetable juices rich source of vitamins minerals and enzymes. You can get health benefit of big amount of raw vegetable by consuming them in the form of juice. Juices also provide extra nutrients and help your body detoxify. Enzymes in raw vegetable acts as a catalyst in number of metabolic reactions taking place in the body, hence improves absorption.
Two detox juices that help me lead healthy life are :
Calcium Rich Juice : Take 5 carrots, 8 to 10 leaves of spinach and one Apple, wash thoroughly. Push them through the juicer. Black salt and lime adds up to taste.
Iron Rich Juice : Take few leaves of mint, coriander, spinach and curry leaves, blend to make a fine paste. Make it drinkable by adding black salt and lime juice.
So guys, add some healthy detoxifying juice in your lifestyle and live a less toxin life.