True Inspiration
Something that make you alive,
Something that gives you that much needed strike,
Something that motivates you to achieve your dreams,
Something that convert your silence to screams..
Something that gives you that much needed strike,
Something that motivates you to achieve your dreams,
Something that convert your silence to screams..
Have a dream?
Have a desire?
Look within yourself, you have fire to inspire..
Have a desire?
Look within yourself, you have fire to inspire..
Wanna be Just You, get Inspired but wait who gonna inspire you.. Surely your family, your friends, your well wishers but Truely Just You..
Nobody inspires infant to turn,
Nobody inspires him to fall but learn to run,
Nobody inspires him to giggle, babble n than speak,
Nobody inspires anyone to reach the peak.
It’s Ur inner self, the true u, the real u,
Inspiration is just You…
Nobody inspires him to fall but learn to run,
Nobody inspires him to giggle, babble n than speak,
Nobody inspires anyone to reach the peak.
It’s Ur inner self, the true u, the real u,
Inspiration is just You…
Inspiration is surely an unheard thought, that you have within but it remains hidden untill u have a fierce desire.

Desire Brings Out Inspiration Within.
You were the one paused and stopped,
You were the one who is numb and not inspired,
You were the one who just realized,
It’s not the real u, u r hiding inside..
You were the one who is numb and not inspired,
You were the one who just realized,
It’s not the real u, u r hiding inside..
Your Inspirational instinct, gives u a kick start,
You just discovered the desire in your heart,
Look you discovered the real you,
Who have wings to fly, end solace and be just you..
You just discovered the desire in your heart,
Look you discovered the real you,
Who have wings to fly, end solace and be just you..
A solace, a silent chase,
Being inspired yourself gives it a pace,
Soon or later you realize,
No one is forming you it’s the real u inside..
Being inspired yourself gives it a pace,
Soon or later you realize,
No one is forming you it’s the real u inside..
A burning desire can give u fire,
It takes everything within dat inspire,
A crawling baby trying to stand,
A stumble step trying to pose,
May went unnoticed before,
With a desire they inspire more..
It takes everything within dat inspire,
A crawling baby trying to stand,
A stumble step trying to pose,
May went unnoticed before,
With a desire they inspire more..
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
Nice post and congrats for WOW.. 🙂
Thanks a ton Hema. Ur kind words surely encourage me to write more.