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When Its Between Now Or Never, I Choosed Now – My True Calling

My Life, My Desire,
Both Are Like Ice & Fire,
Can’t Meet & Greet,
Apart or Together, Both Can’t Survive.
Yes, this was my life. Where dreams was unable to survive, just because m a daughter, Sister, Mother & Wife. All ambitions are left unturned, dreams left subsided just to fulfill my responsibilities in relationships.
And yes I wanted to elope out of this unambitious life and move ahead. I surely don’t wanna let go my responsibilities towards my relations but surely want to open the unturned ambitions of my life and live my dreams.
My Ambitions, My Desires,
Are There To Inspire,
To Force Me To Move Ahead,
With A Strong Responsible Relationship Hold.
Just Keeping Everything Together,
My Dream Says, Wake Up Girl,
Wakeup There Is Lots Of Strength To Gather.
I Just Opened My Eyes,
To The Beautiful World So Bright,
Everything In Surrounding To Inspire,
Everything Gives My Desire A Fire.
Now the question was what’s my Desire, my true calling? Surely a question, I find myself clueless at. A computer engineer by qualification but a poetess from heart.  My biggest question was
“Which Path I Wanna Chase, In my Life Race?”
To get my answer, I have questions for myself.
1. Am I ready To Compromise With My Time With My Little Prince – My answer was No.
2. What’s My Need In My Life, Money Or Reaching Out Thousands – My answer was Reaching Out Thousands.
3. I Wanna Pursue My Career Or Dream – My answer was Dream.
4. Computers Or Poetry – My answer was Poetry.
And I found My True Calling,  My Dream..
A dream to write my heart out, 
A dream to reach a big audience out there,
A dream to get appreciated by some of them,
A dream to win a few hearts,
A dream to walk a long journey and never apart.
So I step forward and just start making my way to my dreams. Started as an immature writer blogger, I started my journey towards my ever calling dream.
Just Few Days Back,
I Step Out Of My Present,
To Follow My Dreams,
To Give Myself A Chance.
With All My Responsibilities By My Side,
This Time My Desire Won’t Subside,
I Just Move Both Hand In Hand,
To Give My Life A New Stand.
This Time My Achievements Are Not Monetary,
But For Me Its More Than A Luxury,
Few Listening Ears, Sets My Heart,
Few Words Of Appreciation Is My Accolade, I won’t Apart.
I M In Chase To Follow My Dreams,
With All Inspiration I Scream,
Wish Me Luck, Wish My Dream Sign Bright,
Slowly But Gradually My Words Brings Me To LimeLight.

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