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She Is Women Of Substance – She Is #madeofgreat

The moment I started thinking about the person who left a everlasting impression on my mind a flashback rolled in front of my eyes and I was in one of the darkest memories in my life where She was the women full of light and hope.
The day when our precious and joyful time in the beautiful vicinity of Himachal Pradesh changes to a dreadful experience with heavy rains followed by landslide at Rohtang Pass.
Its was 6 in the evening,  getting dark everywhere and the powercut was making it more darker with every passing second. Blocked Roads,  Heavy Rains,  No Lights,  No Mobile Connectivity, No Shelter, It was a shivering experience that shivered us to the soul. The feeling of being helpless at that moment rolled out as tears. Heavy rainfall block the hope of help reaching us.
And suddenly A Women in her late 80’s reached us. With a rubber sheet over her we felt she is also sufferer of road block but to our suprise, she said “Come With Me ” and she lead us to a small Hut nearby. A Hut covered with rubber sheets seems itself is struggling in heavy rains. When we enter,  it has almost 8-10 people inside including old lady’s son, daughter-in-law and half dozen of grandchildren.
But the women with the small hut, is the biggest heart I ever met. She welcomed us inside, two more people in the hut seriously making it more congested but her smile don’t fade.
She gave us a blanket, while guiding her grandchildren to one blanket and offered us food to eat. They all definitely ate few bite less to give us that much needed bites. Everyone did the way old lady guided, no one offended her.
She sat by side while wiping my wet hairs with her saree she very calmly said,  don’t worry it will be fine soon and you can stay here as long as rain stops and road opens.
With last candle left she offered us a corner with a blanket and said Sleep before candle gets over and head to her grandchild to make him sleep.
After having most silent sleep in the dreadful night when my eyes open with the sunrays falling on my eyes I saw her trying to lit up the stove with a combination of wet and dry wood pieces, with all preparation on morning meal done and everyone still fast asleep.
In that dreadful evening she comes as a blessing to us who if not offered us shelter and food, we might have died of cold and starvation. We stayed at her place for 3days untill rain stops and road cleared. She was very joyful lady with loads of stories in store to talk on.
When we entered her home she was an old wrinkled face lady who help us and by the time we left her place she was a motherly figure for us and we call her ‘Amma’.

That wrinkled face, with bright eyes, never fading smile, she was much more active than us and always says a self made success story that doesn’t lead to big luxuries but loads of happiness.
Today when I think of her,  I feel she was definitely a Women Of Substance. A women full of power and positive influence. A women with big heart and loads of mercy.
She made us realise life is about smiling and struggling together. With 3days in her motherly shelter we realised there are still people who are always ready to help. She was a synonym of Hardwork,  Sacrifice, Wisdom,  Trust,  Support and Excellence to me. She was the women who is #madeofgreat for me.
Wrinkled Face With Never Fading Smile,
A Memory That Follow Me In Life Every Mile,
Lack Of Everything,  With Abudence Of Wisdom,
She Looks Like Queen Of Her Kingdom,
Never Tired In Life’s Run,
Never Afraid Said It’s God’s Turn,
A Ray Of Hope In The Darkest Sky,
She Was As Strong As Bay,
An Epitome Of Every Calibre,
She Is The One I Refer,
With Every Passing Day She Might Not Around,
But She Teaches Me In Life’s Every Sound,
With Her Always In My Mind,
I Understand It Take Nothing To Be Kind,
She Is Synonym Of Wisdom,
She Is Symbol Of Love,
She Is Replica Of Kindness,
She Is What We Call Trust,
She Is Simply #madeofgreat.
I am very thankful to Tata Motors, to take me to a trip down the memory lane in search of someone #madeofgreat I met in my life.
Tata Motors is definitely pride of India. And now the alliance of Tata Motors with Lionel Messi is an example of par excellence. When pioneer like  Tata Motors coaliate with the maestro of football Lionel Messi, it’s a sheer example of #madeofgreat.
A Simple #madeofgreat question to all,

“What Do You Think Of Tata Motors Association With Lionel Messi?”
The one with most interesting answer will win Rs. 750/- Amazon Voucher. Winner will be selected on 26th November.

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  1. Really seldom do we find such great personality. Seeing her picture radiating the glow of selfless deeds I am awed by her generosity. Kudos.A great post #madeofgreat.

    As to association of Lionel Messi with Tata motors I strongly opine that it's a jhinchak choice of Tata's and they will see the stars touching their feet soon. Wonderful combination. Cheers.

  2. Thanks for your appreciation Rio. 😊

  3. Great Blog about Women 🙂 appreciate your Work Yogita ma'am

  4. The association of Tata Motors and Lionel Messi is indeed an amazing one.When two heroes combine together, the result will surely be extravagant. Moreover, the name of Lionel Messi will instill a lot of trust and reliability in the mind of customers for Tata Motors because Messi is a great, dedicated and hardworking sportsperson. People love and admire Messi for his single minded focus. Therefore, the collaboration will surely be very beneficial for Tata Motors.

  5. The story is heart warming . . . I had a similar experience in the garhwal mountains… i was thristy and hungry while trekking up to Nag tibba and shepherd offered me water food and place to rest. I am very much thankful to that man and your blog for reminding me of the incident.

  6. The story of a Legend in herself – that’s how I will describe it in a short sentence. Very well written with the pic which enhances the simplicity yet greatness of the Lady..Salutations and very happy for you to have got inspired and bringing out the best in your life. Glad to connect with you here..

    My answer: Tata is a name which any and every person can rely on for its honesty, commitment and perseverance. Lionel Messi is a legend who has carved his name in history books with total dedication to the game, simple living and improvisation which is seen with each game he plays. The association of Tata Motors and Lionel Messi as their Brand Ambassador will definitely give an edge to the Tata group over its competitors solely because the brand Ambassador also holds the same reputation of not letting his fans down ever, like Tata Motors who have given the best to the world over the decades. Its an exemplary association par excellence.

    You can choose my answer as the best if you feel I described it all well.. 🙂

  7. truely #madeofgreat and a life saver
    Indeed a nicely written post. I wish you good luck for the contest
    Here is my answer
    The association of Tata Motors with Lionel Messi is that of two greats. Lionel Messi has been exceptionally talented who with his hard work, determination and sacrifices has got better and tougher in his chosen sport so is the Image, reputation and quality of TATA Motors that have transformed brilliant ideas into masterpieces of engineering and created a brand and products that we are so proud of as Indians. Lionel Messi has transformed his body and the mind body co-ordination into a masterpiece of precision and excellence it would not be wrong to say that Lionel Messi is the TATA Motors of sports where as TATA Motors is the Lionel Messi of vehicles both giants in their own spheres driven by the drive to excel and lead by example. So Lionel Messi is the best choice for becoming the brand Ambassador for TATA Motors

  8. Well a very Inspiring Lady, & Amma's face beams with enlightenment. God, thanks for sending us these human gems, distinguishing humanity with real sweet Souls.

    Answer for the Tata's Question:
    Tata is a brand which was born during the struggle for India's independence, the company saw through the freedom struggle , great minds converging to think beyond & shared all those values which are still forming the core principles of the company only an employee of Tata Group Understands this feeling, they care for the employee first & help them reach those Gems In the lakhs of employees with that leadership spark, to the epitome of Success, u can see the various positions in the Tata Group. HARDWORK, Perseverance & Human Values with unrelenting focus towards Goal is what catches the Tata's attention.
    So Messi, was a natural partner of Tata, a rags to riches story where a boy just followed his passion not listening to the world around & kept on following his dream to become the Greatest Striker the World has ever seen in the soccer world.

    He never gives up Practice & doesn't have excuses to escape practice he is not under pressure, because he does what he loves the most ! GOAL……!!!!

    Tata's values & Messi 's perseverance makes this combination an Undefeating Duo, which make world to look towards India & boosts MAKE IN INDIA.

  9. Your post defines #madeofgreat to the hilt. Goodluck for the contest
    My answer is:
    Authenticity, reliability, simplicity, as well as its commitment to innovation are the pillars of strength on which TATA have built a brand that has put India on the global map. It is a brand that has stood the test of time just like Lionel Messi who tackles opposition on the field with his skill,agility,strategy,brilliance and raw power to reach and score a goal so has been the track record of TATA motors who has become a brand leader and a global giant. These qualities make TATA Motors and Lionel Messi perfect partners who stand for the same set of values thus Lionel Messi is the perfect brand ambassador to represent TATA Motors.
    Hope my best to be a winner here; do contact me for the prize at mahima2014j@gmail.com
    fingers crossed

  10. Your post defines #madeofgreat to the hilt.Very well written and interesting post indeed.
    My Answer
    Tata Motors is a brand that makes durable vehicles, with its MADE IN INDIA mark makes every Indian proud. It is a brand seen globally as Trusted, Reliable, Innovative and at the forefront of technology. In its journey since inception it has overcome all odds, competition, and adversities with grit and determination. These same qualities are associated with Lionel Messi who was very talented and hardworking from a very early age. With each game that he played he kept improving his skills and built a career to become one of the best player of professional football. There qualities make both TATA Motors and Lionel Messi giants who perfectly compliment each other and Lionel Messi the right and perfect Ambassador who stands for the same values that TATA Motors does.

  11. Yogita you are born poet. Lovely poem on your Amma.
    Wonderful write up and the flow of whole content increase the reader curiosity to read till end. And this is one truly inspirational.

    My answer :

    Tata Motors has earned the goodwill from giving the best and innovative Automobiles and it is also known as one the best Automobile Manufactures. And if you see the Lionel Messi , his throughout dedication, zeal , targeted goal of life and technically soundness make him big, achiever and remarkable position in the world.
    As per me, the association of Tata Motors and Messi is a grand amalgamation of two legendary entities of the world, and their amalgamation will definitely break down the clutters and affect the cut throat competition of Tata Motors. Tata motors will sure get a huge preference by the fans of Messi. This will sure make a record of Tata motors in the world of production or may be the highest selling automobiles.
    Tata motor’s main target is to give an impression on the large amount of crowd and this can be achieved only through the Messi, because the youth generation is crazy for MESSI and this can be smart move and a great achievement for Tata Motors they positioned MESSI as their BRAND AMBASSADOR .
    In the nutshell, Tata Motors , Messi joining hands will definitely give more soundness in technicality of promotional strategies and Messi’s influence will influence the audience for choosing Tata Motors and expand the business drastically.

  12. Your post describes #madeofgreat so well that it has winner written all over it. Good luck for your entry.
    Here is my answer.
    Like minds think and act alike looking at the track record of TATA Motors it has stood the test of time and built a business that was built using bricks of hard work on a foundation of trust. Authenticity, reliability, simplicity, as well as its commitment to innovation are the trademarks of brand TATA Motors. These same qualities are present in Lionel Messi who with his immense talent has made a mark for himself on the international football field .Facing all hardships he has worked hard toiling on the fields and in training sessions facing injuries and pressure to come out trumps and be a winner. Thus these two greats Lionel Messi and TATA Motors are made for each other .There association is a bond of two legends
    In case you pick me a winner my email id is : princess09hema@gmail.com
    Fingers crossed 🙂

  13. Yours is a very well written post your .Its is a very nice description of #madeofgreat
    TATA Motors is a brand associated with performance, endurance and excellence. These words are also synonymous with Lionel Messi who plays as a forward and weaves his magic on the football field.Just as Lionel Messi is considered the best footballer in the world ,TATA motors which is Indias premier automotive manufacturer gives wheels to the people of India with its wide range of vehicles. Both believe in excelling in whatever they do and set examples for others to follow. They compliment each other as both are reliable trustworthy and leaders thus Lionel Messi is the natural choice as the brand ambassador of TATA Motors

  14. Lovely ,emotional & Touchy post for Dear Amma!! Loved it Yogita ,keep writing such inspirational posts!
    Well for the answer to your question:
    It seems it is a wedlock of two functional bodies with similar strengths..i.e Trust ,Reliability & assurance of emerging as a winner.

    TATA brand name itself spreads a positive aura & by choosing Forward player Lionel Messi as Tata Motors Brand Ambassador clearly depicts their Code of conducts & signifies that something big ,reliable ,long lasting is awaited to be launched by them.
    Just as arrival of Messi on the ground spreads cheer amongst the fans & panic among the competition ,similar would be the future of Tata motors when they launch their products be in small medium or elite segment. All of us should say..hey wait..Tata motors is launching something with best design ,best features & best price..No competition will stand against them!

    Well ,that’s the trust we have in them & this amalgamation is certainly a reflection of it!

    All the best !! Good luck

  15. It is a beautiful post! I hope you like my thoughts too 🙂


    These are not mere words but a part of our soul. Not just the ones that we carry around in our individual bodies but that supreme soul that binds us all together in this universe. That is why we teach our children values and morals so that these little pockets of our souls do not die away. But when we look around at our modern day lifestyle and society,it leaves a lot to be desired, right? Wrong 🙂 I would say,as long as we have even 1 shred of humanity left,there is a ray of sunshine and that is what we see here.

    I am inspired by your story just as I am inspired by the stories of Tata Motors and Lionel Messi. As I said above about humanity and ray of sunshine, it is very few icons left in this world who make me feel that way. Both Tata and Messi definitely make it to this short list.

    When we talk about Tata Motors,we talk about the pride that every Indian feels because this is our truly global brand, a brand with a soul, with every product made to help us fly. This is a corporate behemoth that has not amassed its fortunes at the cost of the little man but by being a part of the very grassroots. The legacy of excellence and giving back to the society selflessly is so ingrained in Tata DNA that it has become part of folklore. Even today,in any Indian home, the moment a son/daughter gains employment in a Tata company, nobody talks about salary or CTC, they just thank their lucky stars that they are a part of Tata family. The very soul of India resides in Tata. Tata Motors has taken these very same values global, making Indians proud of what they represent. 'Look,we represent excellence, with a dollop of old world values, with love and respect' !

    When we look at Messi, we see a boy with dreams in his eyes and a man who has put everything he had in making them come true, and he did! With singleminded focus,dedication and hardwork, he has managed to outdo every obstacle he faced since his birth personally, healthwise and family financial situation wise. Every obstacle became just another step for him to grow and reach up the sky. And still, every time he walks out on the field, he plays with the same agility, alarcity and a a hunger to prove himself as if it is his first game! He hasn't achieved his demi-God status without superhuman efforts.

    When these two demi-Gods of their respective fields come together, there are bound to be fireworks and that is exactly what it is! Purely from a corporate point of view, there are rare instances when we see such a perfect fit form. It can be called a divine sign that a symbol of vibrancy and dynamism like no other has taken shape with the partnership of Tata Motors and Lionel Messi. More than a mere advertising gambit,it is an amalgamation of those perhaps 'lost' values that the world needs more of,now more than ever. Maybe the Gods are finally happy!

    Prajakta Sinha

  16. An entry fit to make everyone misty eyed!

    When it comes to impact and impacting millions of lives, Yes, we can see both Tata Motors and Lionel Messi being the pioneers here. While the very name Tata is enough to make us go back to all our history books where we have seen there hardly is a comparable name that has contributed so much to the society in such an ethical manner, the very name Messi conjures up images of a boy-man who has turned the world upside down with his talent, determination, discipline and never-give-up spirit. The compatibility between the values they both share is intense and that is the reason this partnership works perfectly.

    With a concern for the society at large,everything that Tata has done has inspired us to dream big, conquer the world and pour all our energy back into the society to do good and inspire good. By facing his demons, Messi has done the same. He enjoys a God-like status in the world today because he dared to dream, achieved the sky and still hasn't lost his humanity a bit. He is still a child at heart and he gives back with his multiple philanthropic activities just like Tata does!

    Talk to any person in India, ask them about the companies they admire the most. Tata is right there at the top. This name is beyond bottomline, spreadsheets, return on investment and share price. It is equivalent to soul of India-soft, kind, diverse, dynamic, eternal. Just like that Messi has emerged as not just another football player but someone whose very life is an inspiration, whose personal struggles are a template for others to emulate and who has morphed into an eternal legend.

    While it would take eons to write about what makes Tata Motors and Messi great, as their list of achievements is too long for us to even skim over, suffice to say that this partnership is for the ages. As they say, some things are made in heaven 🙂

    Thank you for this opportunity.
    -Richa Shailendra, lovelyricha1@gmail.com

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