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My Galvanizing Mantra!

Every turn of life is full of twists. And at many twisted turns, you just feel like

Damn, Am Done, I Can’t Do This Anymore, It’s Over.
And at that moment a source of motivation can just mould things your way.
Even in my life, I face such demotivating and disheartening situations many times when a Simple quote triggers me and raise to my best again.
A quote by one of favorite authors Zig Zigler. He is well known as a Motivational Speaker, very well reflected in his quotes and books.
Among all his inciting quotes, the one that
ignite me is.

Very rightly said by him, you need a start to reach the heights. Without giving start you can’t achieve what you want and to start you surely need not to be perfect in it.

This quote is my source of motivation that keep me going in every twisted turn of my life.

Perfection is not something you are born with,
Perfection is something you achieve,
With Every Single Step Towards Your Aim,
You Step forward towards Fame,
A Success Run Is Not A Easy Chase,
It’s A Gradual Process That Works In A Steady Pace,
In Success There Is No Looking Back,
You Will Transform Into A Winning Jack.
You Will Realize How Truely Mr. Zigler Quote,
You Don’t Have To Be Great To Start,
You Have To Start To Be Great…

This Post Is For Indispire Edition 83 At Indiblogger.in

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