Stranger was the word she was afraid of, from her childhood. This fear was part of her upbringing just to keep her safe from the cruel world.
And suddenly she stepped out to the new city, new surroundings, new people for giving start to her bright future. Yes, the Little princess of Mumma is a big girl now and was out in the world of strangers. The big girl still fear the strangers as before but have to live for her dreams.
Her first day in her office, new ambience and everyone around are strangers, her fear start pouring out and she started loosing her confidence. Her face become pale and Tension is quite visible now. She was sitting all alone and
Suddenly a fellow mate came, smiled and said ‘Hello’.
She Replied, Hi.
He asked, First Day?
She Replied, Yes.
He Asked, Why are you so tensed?
She Said, No M not.
He Said, its visible on your face and smiled again.
She passed a fearful smile and said, I don’t know anyone, don’t knw how to start?
And He Said, Just with a simple ‘Hello’ as I did and left.
Suddenly a fellow mate came, smiled and said ‘Hello’.
She Replied, Hi.
He asked, First Day?
She Replied, Yes.
He Asked, Why are you so tensed?
She Said, No M not.
He Said, its visible on your face and smiled again.
She passed a fearful smile and said, I don’t know anyone, don’t knw how to start?
And He Said, Just with a simple ‘Hello’ as I did and left.
She thought for a while and realised its so easy to start communication with just a hello. She left her seat and visited everyone, said Hello and shared introductions. And by the end of the day she was happy, smiling, laughing and have lots of friends around.
She surely owe this to the fellowmate who visited her but was unable to find him around. As the day ends She left with a big smile.
She got an important lesson in her life, ‘ A Simple Hello Can Make Things Easy’.
A Simple Hello Leads To, A Comfortable Situation.
A Simple Hello Leads To, A New Conversation,
A Simple Hello Leads To, A Bright Smile On Sad Face,
A Simple Hello Leads To, A Fire In Slow Pace,
A Simple Hello Leads To, A Start Of New Relations,
A Simple Hello Leads To, A Solution To Every Question,
A Simple Hello Leads To, Big Smiles,
A Simple Hello Leads To, Relations That Follow You To Miles.
A Simple Hello Leads To, Forever Happiness.
A Simple Hello Leads To, A New Conversation,
A Simple Hello Leads To, A Bright Smile On Sad Face,
A Simple Hello Leads To, A Fire In Slow Pace,
A Simple Hello Leads To, A Start Of New Relations,
A Simple Hello Leads To, A Solution To Every Question,
A Simple Hello Leads To, Big Smiles,
A Simple Hello Leads To, Relations That Follow You To Miles.
A Simple Hello Leads To, Forever Happiness.
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggersby BlogAdda.