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Yogita Joshi

Happy Father’s Day

They Play, They Fight, They Argue, And Son Is Always Right😍😘 The Bond With Dad Is Forever💕 And Every Moment It Grow Stronger💝 Today Is A Day Of Celebrations, Celebrations Of Day, When H Celebrations Of Moment, When My Hubby Become Dad, Celebrations, When Daddy Holds Kiddo First Time, Celebrations …

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Happy Relationship Mantras

A Connection Among Two or More, That’s So Special For Sure, They Laugh And Cry Together, They Know Each Other Better. Every Relationship Is Special, Be It Blood Relation Or Relation Of Heart, Be It A Friendly Gesture Or Forever To Start Every Relation Take Efforts, Together We Can Make …

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Have A Craftly Summer Vacation

Being a Mommy, first thing that I think in summer is Summer Vacation and how to spend quality time with my baby. With Summers Come Summer Vacation, And My Home Is A Play Destination, With Sorching Summer, Outing Aint Fun, So Mommy Needs To Think, What Can Be Done. So …

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The Bond Is Eternal

I’m Pregnant, I Announced!! We’re Pregnant, He Corrected!!!! And Thats The Moment, I Was Sure, With Baby, Dad Will Born. He Waited For His Arrival, And Little One Kept Him Waiting, Little One Took Little Longer To Arrive, With Baby’s First Cry, Dad Smiles. And The Bond Strengthens, When He(Dad) …

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Happy World Environment Day.

She Coughs And Exclaims!!!!!! I Am Choking, And Questions, Guys, What Are You Doing? Choking Me With Plastics, Flooding Me With Non Disposable  Waste, Adding Chemicals To Water, You Are Ruining Me Together. Stop It, Coz, If I am Ruined, Even You Cant Survive. So Lets Get Together, Lets Join …

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I Dare You

Everytime, When ‘What You Do?’ Question Arise, She Proudly Say, Am A Full Time Mom & Housewife. Than The Look Of Questioner Change, And He Exclaim, Oh, You Do Nothing🤔 And She Started To Think Deep, 24×7, She Is On Her Toes, Doing Chores As Vows, Never Leaving Anything Undone, …

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