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This is enough. I cant live like this, I am feeling choked and I want to come out of all this. Whatever is happening is not good and whomsoever is doing this, is doing wrong. All this is suppose to end now as it’s making me go crazy.

In the feeling of outrage she decided that the will find the book and finish it as somewhere she know that all this will end with the book only. It’s 5PM, but Nikhil is still is deep sleep. Neha wake him up with a cup of tea.

Nikhil do you know where is my new book? I was reading it yesterday but now I can’t find it.
Which book? The red one?
Neha – Yes.
Oh, I put that in bookshelf.
Thanks, was searching it all over.
Opps, I should have told you earlier.
No worries, Its completely fine, atleast the book is I found the book.

Neha, quickly grabbed the book. She just randomly started reading one of the pages

“There is something wrong with the old room, looked so changed but no one can see those change and no one is understanding the situation”

Neha was shocked, that everything in the book is resembles what the is going through. She was curious to read further to see what’s next ,she turned the page and it’s blank.

The book was just like a blank canvas filled with everything happening in her life. But this time, she wasn’t shocked but the was determined to find out everything happening around her.

And, she decided to open attic again after Nikhil sleeps at night and she put the book aside and joined Nikhil to watch movie.


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