Nikhil and Neha started reading the book. There was a strange silence all around. The gushing sound of wind was so clear. Wind is gushing loudly, the plants in the balcony make a strange crushing sound. All of a sudden, it started raining. Admist the silence the rain is making a scary sound and the thunder shook you from inside.
But Nikhil is so engrosed in the book that he cant sense anything else and Neha is in her own zone as with every page turned, she recalls everything that happened with her. Both of them are simply unaware of whats going around and about the strom outside.
The weather took a leap, from a sunny day to a scary evening to stormy night. Even the strom outside cant break there concentration. The way they are engrosed in the book is astonishing. Nikhil is relating every single moment to whatever Neha told and everything happened around them and especially around Neha.
In between they just look at each other, with their eyes showing multiple questions but they just keep on reading. Nikhil continued reading and reached a blank page. Before he could say anything a loud thunder breaks the silence and spreads more fear.
Suddenly, they hear a cat cry and the cat scratches the balcony door. *Screech* *screech* the loud scratch sound break monotony. Nikhil take a bowl of milk, and a big carton and go to the balcony give the cat a shelter and milk.
When he came back in, he was all drenched in heavy rain.
Neha said, It’s a strom. Are you O.K. and handed him a towel. Nikhil put the towel aside and asked Neha, Is it Anu? Is Anu doing all this? But How? And where is she? The book was sent by her and why the rest of pages are blank?
I cant understand, what we are reading is happening in our life or whatever happening in our life is what we are reading. And for the first time, Neha saw fear written on Nikhil’s face.
It’s very difficult to understand the climax…I am glued